1. Welcome to the Nomadic Spaces - Tiny House Interior Design Podcast!

Episode 1: Welcome to the Nomadic Spaces : Tiny House Interior Design Podcast!

In this introductory episode I introduce myself and share a bit about my tiny house journey, interior design business, fascination with design + small spaces, and what this podcast is about, why I started it, and what you can expect from it.

Show Notes:

  • For those of you who don’t already know me, my name is Sarah Bronstein 

  • I live full time in a vintage travel trailer I designed and renovated.

  • ( 1973 Avion La Grande - Avions are very similar to airstreams- and it’s 28’ long with about 125 sq ft of interior living space. )

  • If you are interested There are pictures on my website and instagram both linked in the show notes.

  •  I live with my pup Albus and am currently posted up in central NC with tentative plans to head to the mountains in the spring. 

  • My design studio, Sukkha Interior Design, focuses on tiny houses, mobile living quarters, and small spaces.

  • I have worked in the interior design industry for over a decade - I started in designing commercial workspaces and then moved into residential design and spent a lot of years specializing in interior design for  short term rentals and bnbs which is it’s own special niche of interior design and tiny houses which I’ll be talking about in a future episode. 

  • I’ve always been passionate for interior design and that stems from a fascination with the power of our environment to impact our mood, lifestyle, activities, and psychological well being. 

  • I say this with a caveat as I am not a huge rule follower type but want to point out design rules aren’t arbitrary- they are based in science and psychology.  Different colors evoke different feelings such as relaxation or  creativity, furniture layouts impact the flow of a space AND our flow of thought, lighting can be optimized for specific tasks or purposes.  There is more and more supporting research emerging as scientists continue to discover connections between our physical surroundings and our minds. 

  • My interest in small spaces originated from living in big cities like NYC and San Francisco notorious for “spatially challenged” living quarters. Over time I became more interested in sustainability and a more minimalist lifestyle, my focus with the unique design challenges of small spaces deepened and eventually my personal and professional life aligned into the tiny home realm. 

I decided to start this podcast for two main reasons: 

  1. The podcast arena is saturated with podcasts about interior design AND podcasts about tiny house lifestyles but there isn’t a podcast dedicated specifically to interior design in tiny homes. Until now:)

  2. To connect with people and help more folks reach their design goals  

  • quick note! If you live in regular size or other “non-tiny “house you will still get value from this show! The content and inteiror design strategies shared in this podcast will still be valuable and applicable to your space no matter the size. 

What to expect from this podcast:

  • Starting with weekly episodes see how that goes 

  • Topics this podcast will cover: all things interior design especially regarding small spaces, tiny houses, types of tiny homes, RV and trailer renovations, common interior design fails and how to resolve them, specific uses for tiny homes with according design considerations, small spaces in large homes, eventually might even bring on some special guests. 

  • I want this to be a podcast that is fun to listen to and inspires you to take action.

  •  A lot of clients in a state of overwhelm or are downright discouraged

  • my goal is to make the design process fun and digestible for my clients while delivering results beyond their wildest dreams.

  • I want to make design solutions accessible and help you bring positive change to your home.

  • I hope this podcast will help do that.

  • If you are considering a design project and need assistance, or if you are just generally unenthused by your home or a space in it- let’s chat! Link to schedule a free connection call below

  • Overwhelmed or just looking to get your toe wet in the impacts of a well designed space: download the Desk Refresh Challenge which will help you easily refresh your workspace… hopefully that will inspire you to redesign other spaces in your home with the same process and intention.










2. Environment Matters: Psychology of Interior Design (Part 1)
