Business Rebrand- Featuring New Tiny House Interior Design Services to get Amazing Results

Hi everyone! I am Sarah Bronstein, the face behind Sukkha Interior Design (well, one of them… see photo insert below) I am a designer, artist, yogi, and dog mom who recently renovated a 1973 Avion travel trailer into a tiny house on wheels and have been living in it ever since. (At the time of writing this article, approximately 5 months!)

Sarah Bronstein

cute puppy

Albus Dumbledog

It’s been a long time since my last post and a lot has changed over the last year and a half. When this tiny house project started I’d envisioned sitting down at least biweekly to write blog posts about the process and constantly be sharing progress on social media. But the reality is the last year ended up presenting a lot of challenges and my motivation and energy to properly document and share updates waned quickly. Product delays and construction issues with a mix of unexpected personal and health issues, the last year has been extremely challenging and transformative for me. As my travel trailer renovation finally neared completion and I started picking things back up with my own business, Sukkha Interior Design, I realized it no longer felt aligned with my values and goals, as a designer, as a business owner, and most importantly, as a person. Enter this business rebrand or as I like to call it “realignment”. This post will introduce you to Sukkha Interior Design 2.0 and the whys behind these shifts.

Tiny House Interior Design

One of the most major shifts for Sukkha will be a focus on small space/ tiny house interior design. I have always loved the inherent challenges of small spaces and add mobility restrictions like securement and weight distribution and you’re speaking my love language. Tiny House Interior Design services will include any home (mobile or stationary) under 500 sq; this includes RV interior design services, travel trailer interior design services. It is even more important in these small spaces that the space reflects the residents unique style and functionality needs. For example, I work full time and run my business from home. In my tiny house it made sense to prioritize precious square footage in a desk and makeshift “office”. However for someone who doesn’t work from home much it wouldn’t make sense to have a designated desk space at the sacrifice of a nearly a quarter of the overall square footage. I am not officially turning away from larger or more traditional non-tiny house projects but will be focusing more on my passion for small spaces and low impact, sustainable living. My signature Sukkha style and design philosophy of balancing form with function and feeling will still guide my projects no matter how big or how small.

airstream renovation, travel trailer, avion, tiny house, yellow bedspread

Project Jumpstart Consultation

One of my goals in this rebrand was to streamline my project process and services to be more accessible to my clients. All projects will start with a Project Jumpstart Consultation which is a stand alone service as well as the first step for any potential larger projects. The Project Jumpstart is essentially a 75 minute intensive therapy sesh for your space! In this virtual consultation we’ll tour the space, talk through your needs/concerns/pain points and I’ll offer professional design solutions, advice, ideas, and resources. You will walk away with a clear design direction and a better understanding of next steps to implement updates and transform your space to be a beautiful and functional environment. 

The last 5-10 minutes of our call we’ll discuss next steps- if you decide you’d like to have me assist with any of those steps I’ll create a customized project proposal based on your specific needs and we’ll go from there! If not that is totally fine! I’ve worked with many happy clients who really just needed some professional guidance and direction to get moving and executed the project entirely on their own (and with fantastic results;) 

I also understand no one is for everyone so if it's just not the right fit that is 100% ok. That is why I think this new process is so valuable- it helps ensure mutual compatibility and trust before tackling larger projects. Win for all, right?!

Alanis the Avion Remodel- Travel Trailer Tiny House

Tiny Transitions Consulting 

This consulting service is designed for anyone thinking about, in the process of, or already living in a tiny house and/or anyone going through a downsizing transition such as moves as empty nesters or into assisted living/long term care facilities. Any kind of downsizing, decluttering, organizational needs would also fall in this service. 

I first became seriously interested in tiny house living in 2016 after spending 3 months road tripping across the country visiting national parks and the beauty of the natural world. I was moving from New York City to San Francisco, ( unbeknownst to me at the time, the only city in the country with a more obscene rent average.) I loved the idea of living with less, the freedom to move around, and lowering my outrageous monthly rent spend.

But I was so overwhelmed I didn’t know where to start… There were so many questions about logistics, what type of tiny house would be best for me, what day to day life in a tiny house was really like, and most importantly how the hell I could afford it! I feel confident that if I'd had someone experienced in this way of living to share advice and guidance on the whole process, I’d have been able to make this move years before I managed to get things together piece by piece, on my own. But I didn’t know anyone (directly or indirectly) who was living tiny and had limited responses from the social media accounts I’d reach out to with specific questions.

I knew as apart of this rebrand I wanted to go beyond design and really connect with people interested in this way of life and through Tiny Transitions consulting (along with tiny house interior design services) I now help clients plan and navigate their own journey to tiny life, with less stress and overwhelm. 

avion airstream glamping

As challenging as executing this project over the past year has been, I have never felt closer to my true, authentic self and have found a new sense of peace living life in a more intentional way. I feel so inspired and grateful to have this business in with who I am and what I am truly passionate about which is helping people improve their life through their interior environment and supporting anyone who is interested in or is actively transitioning into tiny homes/small spaces. If you have any questions, thoughts, concerns, feedback or just want to say hi please reach out! 

Thank you so much for reading and for being here! 

If you would like to work together you can schedule a Project Jumpstart Call here! 

If you're interested in working together but have questions first you can schedule an info sesh here


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