Home Design Ideas to Kickstart the New Year and Achieve Your Resolutions

Happy New Year friends! It's hard to believe but here we are kicking off 2024...

fiddle leaf, home design

This is the time to reflect on our goals, aspirations, and resolutions. While the term New Years "resolutions" has fallen out of trend but whatever you want to call it - simply setting some basic goals for where you'd like to be in a year can go a long way in producing that outcome.

Whether we are aware of it or not, creating an intentional, positive, and productive environment at home is the first step towards achieving these objectives. Your living space has a profound impact on your mood, motivation, and overall well-being.

So today, we'll explore a variety of home design ideas to help you turn your home into a place that not only supports your ambitions but also helps you achieve your New Year's resolutions.


1: Declutter and Simplify

Let's start with the foundation of any home transformation: decluttering and simplifying. There's no better way to kick off the year than with a good old purge. It's therapeutic, it's liberating, and it's essential for creating a productive and harmonious living space. So, where do we begin?


First up, minimalism. Contrary to the popular misconception, it doesn't mean getting rid of everything. It's about keeping what you genuinely need and value. I like to call it Intentionalism.

So, go through your belongings and select what you need and what you love- donate, give away, or discard the rest. Minimalist interior design creates a serene and uncluttered environment, which can have a profound impact on your state of mind. Remember, a cluttered space often leads to a cluttered mind.

Functional Storage

Next, consider investing in functional storage solutions. Shelves, cabinets, under-bed storage – these can help keep your belongings organized and out of sight. When you organizing be sure to consider the usage of each item. Things you use daily or weekly should be stored in the most easy to access places while things that are used more sporatically can stored in the less easy to reach places like top shelves or back of closets. A tidy space contributes to a more peaceful and focused mindset and being able to easily use and return items to their home will set you up for long term success.

Streamline Decor

And when it comes to decor, make intentional choices. I always tell clients "it's not about being cohesive not matchy matchy".

Display items that align with your goals and inspire you. Whether it's artwork, decor pieces, or personal mementos, let them reflect what makes you feel happy and motivated.


2: Design an Inspiring Workspace

organized desk workspace

If your resolutions involve career growth, remote work, or learning, having a inspiring workspace inspiration is crucial. After all, your workspace is where a significant portion of your life unfolds.

Ergonomic Furniture

Start by investing in ergonomic furniture. A comfortable, supportive chair and a well-organized desk can work wonders. Standing desks are known to have a slew of benefits. Proper ergonomics not only enhance your work efficiency but also contribute to your physical well-being. If your workspace is comfortable and efficient, the rest of your life tends to follow suit. It's all holistic!

Personalized Decor

blue decor

Personalize your workspace with items that motivate you. Consider adding inspirational artwork, motivational quotes, or vision boards that remind you of your goals. Please make sure you are choosing things that actually spark joy - Avoid things just because they are trendy. Your workspace should be a reflection of your unique aspirations.


Natural Light

And don't forget to arrange your workspace near a window to maximize natural light. Natural light improves mood, focus, and overall well-being. Have a dark space or no window? That's ok! Set yourself up with a couple ambient lighting options and consider integrating mirrors to help reflect and bounce light around the space. It's a simple yet powerful addition to your workspace.


3: Embrace Color Strategy

The choice of color in our environment can greatly influence our mood, focus, and productivity. Vibrant shades can invigorate the senses and stimulate creativity, making them suitable for areas where high energy and innovation are needed. In contrast, more subdued tones tend to promote feelings of calmness and tranquility, which makes them perfect for spaces intended for relaxation or rest. Neutral shades provide a minimalist, distraction-free setting that can enhance concentration. Therefore, it's crucial to thoughtfully select the color palette in one's surroundings, as it can significantly impact their daily activities and overall well-being.

Cool Blues and Greens

For relaxation and restful sleep, consider using calming shades of blue and green in your bedroom or meditation space. These colors can encourage a sense of tranquility and peacefulness, contributing to better sleep and relaxation.

Warm Neutrals

In work areas, opt for warm neutral tones like soft grays and muted earthy colors like dusty rose and terracotta. These hues create a soothing and focused ambiance, perfect for boosting productivity.

Energizing Accents

If you need a dash of motivation and inspiration, add vibrant accents like mustard yellows and bold pinks, reds, or teals. These bright colors are perfect for spaces like home gyms or studios where creativity and energy are essential.


4: Optimize Organization

Staying organized is a key component of achieving your resolutions. Our environments directly impact our emotions and mind. When our physical and mental spaces are organized, we can focus on tasks without unnecessary distractions.

Creating organizational systems at the beginning of the year can set in motion healthy habits that fight clutter and build up over time.

home design new year refresh

Open Shelving

Open shelving can be a visually pleasing way to stay organized and keep your daily essentials within reach. It not only adds functionality but also contributes to the overall aesthetics of your space.

My caveat with open shelving is that the pieces that will live on those shelves need to be intentionally displayed or stored (like in baskets for example).

Baskets and Bins

Incorporating baskets and bins can work wonders in organizing smaller items. Whether it's your kitchen, bathroom, or home office, these solutions can keep everything tidy and accessible. Don't forget to label them for easy access. In addition to functionality, these storage solutions minimize visual clutter.

Digital Organization

In our increasingly digital lives, it's essential to organize your virtual world too. Create digital folders, clean up your email inbox, and consider using project management apps to streamline your tasks.

I see so many friends and colleagues who have these crazy laptop desktops cluttered haphazardly with folders and file icons everywhere... Create folders that live within folders and start using a consistent system for file naming so it's easy to search for and find if/when you need it.

A cluttered digital life can be just as distracting as a cluttered physical space especially something like your phone home screen or computer desktop where you might spend a good amount of time each day. While your at it choose a fresh screensaver that inspires you!

5: Create a Fitness Zone

If your resolutions revolve around fitness or health you are not alone! It is estimated 95% of new years resolutions are fitness related- but get this- research shows 43% of people give up within the first month! In order to really achieve results for the long term, it's essential to design a dedicated space to support these goals.

Home Gym

Consider setting up a home gym with exercise equipment tailored to your fitness routine. Having a designated space can make workouts more convenient and enjoyable (which automatically makes them more likely to happen!:) Think about utilizing garages, sheds, attics, basements, or even adding a shed or ADU to your property.

If your goals involve joining a gym or running outdoors consider leaving your workout clothes, gym bag and/ or running shoes ready by the door.

Yoga and Meditation Nook

For anyone with goals involving meditation and mindfulness routines: please design yourself a cozy corner just for self care, yoga and meditation practice. Use soft lighting, candles, dried florals, soft textiles, and calming decor to inspire mindfulness, comfort, and relaxation. Closets, alcoves, attic eaves are all great places to consider.

Make it soft, peaceful space you can't wait to retreat to each day.

Nutrition Corner

If your goals involve dietary improvements, create a nutrition station with a blender, healthy cookbooks, and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables for quick and nutritious meals. Having everything within arm's reach can make healthier eating a lot less of a lift.

6: Personal Wellness Retreat

Prioritize self-care and well-being with a personal wellness retreat within your home.

There are so many day to day activities we rush through in autopilot instead of slowing down to really make an enjoyable experience.

Here are some design ideas to to help you slow down and promote self care habits.

Spa Bathroom

Transform your bathroom into a spa-like oasis with soft towels, soothing scents, and calming decor. A hot bath or shower can be an incredibly rejuvenating experience if we make it that way Slow down and enjoy!

Quality bedding and towels are nominal investments that can bring luxury and value into your daily life.

Reading Nook

Design a cozy reading nook where you can unwind with your favorite books, journals, podcasts, or anything that feeds your soul and inspires you.

A comfortable chair, soft lighting, and a good book can be the perfect escape from the busy day-to-day. Especially with the news and general state of the world these days make sure you have a special place that feels peaceful and comfortable where you can relax and refresh.

cozy reading nook

Meditation Space

Create a meditation space with cushions, candles, and calming artwork. This area is ideal for reflection, mindfulness, and stress relief. A personal sanctuary within your own home. (If you, like me, aren't able to dedicate a full time space keep a basket of the pillows, candles, etc in a corner where it's easy to set up and stash away.


7: Personalized Motivation

Infuse your home with elements that motivate and inspire you, making it truly your own. Again please don't just follow trends; lean into what speaks to your soul. When we make selections based on what is trendy or what someone else is doing instead of digging into what really drives and motivates us on a personal level we are basically missing the whole point.

Vision Boards

Consider creating a vision board in an often viewed place in your home, office or computer screen. Use colors, images, quotes, and words that represent your goals and aspirations. It's easy to lose sight of the larger picture in the stress and business of day to day life- Vision boards serve as daily reminders of what we are working towards. (Canva can be a great free tool to help create vision boards.)

design vision board

Personal Gallery

Design a gallery wall with personal achievements, photos, and mementos that remind you of your successes and milestones. Celebrate your life and journey where ever you are.

Gallery walls are super fun - you can thrift vintage frames for a mix and match, eclectic look or purchase a gallery wall frame set.

Daily Affirmations

And finally, don't shy away from daily affirmations.

It might sound a bit "woo-woo," but if you believe in the power of positive thinking, anything is possible. Studies like ones conducted by University of Pennsylvania researchers show that "repeating self-affirmations produces physical changes in brain regions associated with self-processing, ultimately impacting their view of themselves, and these changes are associated with subsequent positive changes in people’s behaviour."

Place affirmations or quotes throughout your home to reinforce your determination and confidence. (This really won't work unless it's something that really connects deep within you so if you can't find something that resonates just skip this one.)


8: Balanced Nutrition Space

And if your resolution involves a healthier lifestyle, you're certainly not alone. Last year, exercise, healthier eating, and losing weight were the top three New Year's resolutions in the USA. Here are some easy ways to set your kitchen up, to set you up for success!

Organized Pantry

To promote good food choices, organize your pantry with clear containers, labels, and healthy snack options. Keeping tempting treats out of sight can make it more likely to stick to your dietary goals. Keep the healthy snacks and things you use most often in the places that are easiest to see and access.

Fresh Produce Display

Display fresh fruits and vegetables in decorative bowls or baskets on your kitchen counter. Studies show we are more likely to consume food that is most visible and easily accessible so we can use that knowledge to display healthy snacks. These visuals encourage healthier eating and help prevent perishable food waste.

Dining Space

Create a comfortable and inviting dining space where you can enjoy balanced meals.

Even if you usually eat in-front of the TV, consider making it a space to slow down and savor your meals. Simple additions like tablecloths, placemats, candles, and fun dishes can really enhance the dining experience.



In conclusion, your home is more than just a place to live; it's the backdrop to your life. The design choices you make can significantly impact your journey towards achieving your resolutions and goals.

By decluttering, creating an inspiring workspace, incorporating calming colors, optimizing organization, and addressing your specific resolutions and psychology, you can set yourself up for success in the new year. Whether your goals involve career growth, self-care, health, or community involvement, your home can be a powerful ally in helping you turn your aspirations into reality.

Thank you for joining me on this home transformation journey. I hope you're as excited as I am to embrace these ideas and make 2024 your best year yet.


If you are looking to make transformations to your home in 2024 or just want to say hi, I'd love to connect! You can reach out through the link below or reach me directly at sarah@sukkhainteriordesign.com.


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